July 03, 2008

Whadaya do for a crust?

Jobs...there are so many! We live in such a specialised society. You name it, someone specialises in it...crazy!

Back in the day when life was far more simplified people just did basic jobs you know? And their names reflected it.

Hey Mr Baker.
Hi Mrs Taylor.
Wassup Mr Shoemaker.

You know what I mean. Actually there is a name(s) for this occurence funnily enough...(man we live in whacked out times)

Nominative determinism, aptonyms, jobonyms, perfect fit last names etc.

Here is a list of my top 5 favourite aptonyms. (these are real people by the way)
  1. Dr. Richard (Dick) Chopp - a urologist specialising in vasectomies.

  2. Anna Smashnova - the Israeli tennis player

  3. Jonah Fisher - a BBC reporter assigned to the Greenpeace ship tracking the Japanese whaling fleet in January 2008.

  4. J.W Splatt and D.Weedon - urologists who published several papers on incontinence together.

  5. Cardinal Sin - former Archbishop of Manila
But seriously now...as a health professional I deal directly with the public, and sometimes they are in quite a vulnerable state.

So being the cheerful guy that I am, I attempt to strike up a conversation. This brings me to my next random point.

Phatic communion.

They are a couple of words I learned at school. Basically it means: a conversation opener using language to establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas.

My favourite example of phatic communion when on the job is:

So, what do you do for a crust?

This usually elicits all kinds of responses from which a nice relaxed conversation happens. Desired effect achieved.I'm not sure where the saying came from but it may have a biblical origin. Check this out...

If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
2 Th 3:10b (NKJV)

Kinda puts a new spin on the saying, 'Whadaya do for a crust?'

As for me you say...Well, my wife would say I don't do much. My mate would say I yawn a lot. But I like to keep busy in my job. Sometimes I do this by taking funny pictures of myself while at work.

Soooo, whadaya do for a crust ? (leave a comment)


  1. loving ur blog :) what don't i do for a crust is more to the point! would love to have time to take pictures like urs at work...

  2. hahaha les you crackup. For a crust I like to check out the landfill, there's always some good ones there.
