July 12, 2008

My Music

Being born in the early 70's in this fine town of Whangarei, I grew up listening to some absolutely classic music.

All those Time Life info/commercials advertising those 70's and 80's music CD's that you groan when you hear them...I love 'em. Check this out...

Classic Bonnie Tyler! ahhh, it brings it back. Innocent times full of laughter and joy. Enter...bad company. It is said that bad company corrupts good morals, and this was very true in my case around the age of 16 yrs.

SEX, DRUGS, and HEAVY METAL (rock'n'roll sounded to cheesy)

So here I went down a very slippery path (although I didn't know it at the time).

Late 80's came the advent of Hair Metal. It deserves a mention just because...

...need I say more?

Perhaps the closest I got was Iron Maiden and AC/DC in the late 80's, although they would not strictly be called Hair Metal. Still as you can see the Maiden had a good bit of hair goin' on.

Then I tended toward Hair Metal's rival of the day...Grunge. Nirvana, Alice in Chains etc. Then slipping further down toward The PIT I began listening to Pantera and Sepultura...not so much innocence now.

One never knows how far they have fallen until they remember a time when they weren't so far gone. Nevertheless, as I have found out many times, there is always further to fall...now there's a comforting thought.

The Invitation

Who would have believed an invitation to attend a church service would have been the catalyst to bring about so much change in a person's life.

The moment I said 'Yes' to God, surrendering my life (as sad as it was) to Him...
  • Addictions instantly gone!
  • Forgiveness washes me clean
  • Joy enters
  • Relationships restored and strengthened

...to much to tell. Needless to say I have a thankfulness and gratitude to God and to all those who had a hand in me saying 'Yes' to Him.

It was funny how My Music suddenly changed. Gone was the angry / depressing / hopeless music (a few hundred dollars smashed! Don't give it away or sell it to some other poor person), and in came powerful local homegrown Worship sounds.

Symon, Nina, Kate, Brendan V, Jason V...all those songs you wrote were and are soothing balm to my soul. Keep going is all I can say.

I've got a new song in my heart...a song of praise to my God. It is my hope that many people will see and hear it and put their trust in the one true God.

Note the hair...haha...Thankyou Jesus!!!


  1. Wow - funny monkey - awesome testimony!

  2. encouragin stuff les keep up the posts!

  3. Mate. Phenomenal post! Free Bunderberg coming your way at Flame (Post of the week!)

  4. Hey! So awesome Les! I do feel the urge to done a huge wig next time we do praise and worship tho..you the man..!

  5. Hey that's awesome Les! Thanks for the encouragement about songwriting too. See if I didn't straighten my hair I'd look like one of those people in the Hair Metal bands - yikes! I do it for the safety of mankind, really.
