August 30, 2008

Wassup with that Jersey?

I have always liked Jerseys...Jumpers...Pullovers...whatever you want to call them.

From the time my Mum made them for me as a young fella; hand knitted or from that weird looking knitting machine with the cool weights and stuff.

Nothing has felt more comfortable than Jeans, a t'shirt and a good ol' Jersey.
I happen to have an alltime top 3 Jersey list for your viewing pleasure...alas I only have one still in circulation.
Number 3:

My First Black Fishermans Rib Jersey that any self respecting late 80's AC/DC listening teenager had stuck to their body for months at a time. Holes developed (as did a smell) but this only enhanced the value of such a peice of classic Metaller apparel. (see My Music - for a more indepth insight into this era).
Number 2:

An absolute multi coloured mess of a Jersey that wasn't so much to look at but represented triumph (albeit on a small and slightly illegal scale). I'm quite glad I don't have a picture of it to tell you the truth. I was 16 and in Surfers Paradise with my family. My Mum managed to convince the security guard at Jupiters Casino that I was 18 and therefore allowed entry to partake in the delightful pleasures that the aforementioned establishment provided. Long story short - I won $75 playing BlackJack on the pokies and purchased the multi-coloured Jersey with my winnings; why? I'll never quite know, but it goes down in history as my number two favourite Jersey because of all the memories and the madness that surrounds its purchase.

Number 1:

I have had this particular jersey for approximately 15 years or more (at least as many years as Syms has known me anyway). Bought in Kerikeri N.Z it soon became my favourite article of clothing.

The brand Hang Ten, the feeling...bliss. It wasn't heavy duty wool to start with and now after long years of use has the feeling of one wearing Mithrell (LOTR). Holes developed but that did not dissuade its constant use (I was used to such hardships). It so turned out that a lovely elderly lady gifted in the age old art of darning peeled my beloved Jersey from me returning it a week later holeless and redeemed. The below photo (taken today) shows that, yes once again holes are

Much to my wifes chagrin (and repeated attempts to destroy it), I still wear my ol' favourite Jersey with pride and a feeling of satisfaction.

My Mum still knits Jerseys, not for me, but for my son. Much to my wifes horror and something that gives me no end of happiness is the fact that for the last 2 1/2 days my son has nor removed HIS FAVOURITE JERSEY! Yes he has slept in it two nights in a row and has worn it constantly throughout the day...good on ya son!

Now that was worth waiting for eh? Wassup?!


  1. Sigh - great post Les. I remember a few of my scary, yet favourite jersey's. One was yellow with pink bunnies on it knitted by my aunt. One was mostly grey with a moosh of other wacky colours at the top (my bible college jersey). And another one I saved up for and bought it for myself. Blue with flowers on the front. Yes I get your angle!

  2. Only you could write a post about your jersys. You crack me up! Great template too.

  3. Aaaaaah - like father like son... must warm your wifes heart!

    I've always hated jersey's due to the itchy feeling around my neck. Funny how clothing can bring back so many memories of places and era's.

  4. haha funny as, thanks for the great comments.
