December 31, 2009

Wassup wit Karaka?

Karaka is the colour of Paint that is the large fence surrounding our house, all the garden edges, trellis, retaining walls etc etc. It is Dark green.
Morningside, Whangarei is HOT, especially in Summer. Hot summer sun punishes paint. Hence the old Karaka was looking a bit drab so a quick trip to Placemakers and 10 L of Karaka was ready to tackle the drab surrounds.
Trouble is, it is too hot and there is only one of me. Oh hang-on... I do have two rather cute kids :)
Good work Kids...carry on!
Don't spill it...
Now that looks better.

So with their expert help we have breathed life into the old. Thanks kids!


  1. that's what you have kids for isn't it?? :) to do the jobs you don't wanna..
