January 11, 2009

Wassup with Masking Tape?

Well, I've finished redecorating the toilet. Correction, I would have finished redecorating the toilet if the masking tape hadn't peeled off the very nice paint it was put there to protect.
Things I have now learned about masking tape:
  1. Use a low stick masking tape (usually blue)
  2. Apply in short lengths, no longer than 2 feet (60cm or so)
  3. Press down very hard (no bubbles or creases that would allow the paint to 'wick' underneath.
  4. Wait until paint is dry to remove masking tape.
  5. Pull the tape off in a slow, continuous motion at a ninety-degree angle to the painted surface. The tape will "cut" the paint in a clean line.

Is it possible to break all those rules you ask? Pretty much. So in a few days I will sand back a few areas and then touch them up and then the toilet will be as good as new...haha...more likely...it'll do!

Live and learn...and onto the laundry. I wonder what wonderful lessons I will learn in the next room.


  1. A classic 'wassap' post! and now for that Hood review... ;-)

  2. Mean as toilet Les! Will have to come over and try it out sometime.

  3. PaisleyJade cracks me up. Is it all finished yet? Used any more cheap and nasty Masking tape? How's Sunday evening for that elusive fish mish?

  4. A few touch ups and then the door. Masking tape smasking tape...I think i'm going to have a go at cutting in next time. Sunday...will get back to ya.
