April 29, 2011

Bare Feet or Nike's?

I like to run.

The more fit you are the more fun it is.

Unless...the dreaded injury occurs. I've had an ongoing niggle for a while now, so I decided to do some research to help remedy the problem.

Research tells me that most runners will experience some form of running injury during their running career. And that most injuries are due to doing to much, too fast. Check...that's me right there.

Lots would argue that you have incorrect shoes and you need to splash out on the latest $200 + Nike's to wrap your precious feet in a protective air cushion that will have you bouncing along to your hearts content.

Others would argue that you should run au naturale - barefoot just like you were born.

Now there is much debate and little concrete evidence either way so rather than bore you with links to articles and blogs, I think giving both a fair crack is the way to go.

I've run in well cushioned shoes for ages, but now have switched to barefoot running in the park across the road - and so far it's awesome !

Basically in modern running shoes you land on your heel, and with bare-feet you land more on the ball of you foot. Landing on the ball is supposed to engage all the anatomical stabilisers and shock-absorbers that the heel just doesn't do.

However...the jury is still out but just for fun check out some of these pics below:

Someone who has never run in shoes!

Note the wide splayed toes. Try fitting those puppies into a pair of trainers - NAH! Mind you, check out the pic below of a chap who has always shod his feet in 'comfy' shoes.

Feet forever confined in shoes.

Note the toes all squashed together, and the formation of hammer toe - Ewww!

I think my feet are a happy medium. I must admit I like to roam barefoot and even tried to board a plane to Fiji with naked feet. Alas I was turned away and had to borrow my wife's Uncles aqua-socks as all my shoes were stowed away - shame :)

I do know of two people who are hardcore barefoot nuts and their feet are pretty much like the top photo.

Hmmm, well what about road running or rocky terrain? You feet will get cut up.

Introducing the Vibram Five Finger shoe - MEAN!

Nike - who basically invented the raised heel cushioned soul are even hedging their bets with the Nike Free range.

To be honest those shoes above remind me of ape's feet, but I would like to try a pair out. Alas they are also $200 +

So whether you run in flash trainers, old sand-shoes, bare-feet or ape-feet...


and stay injury free.


  1. Boarding a plane barefoot... Crack me up! Why do those first pics remind me of a certain Pyle bro? ;-)

  2. haha - crazy pics! I have been running barefoot on the treadmill for years and have had to resort to wearing shoes as my arches started getting so sore!

  3. Haha...true dat Syms! Giant Hobbit feet :)

    I tried running barefoot on the treadmill...my feet got really hot! Thought I might try socks next time.
