May 28, 2010

Wassup wit Prayer?

George Muller( September 27, 1805 – March 10, 1898) was a man who made a great positive difference to the lives of many. He is well-known for providing an education to the many children that were blessed to be under his care. He was actually accused of raising the poor above their natural station in life. How dare he :)

He established 117 schools which offered Christian education to over 120,000 children, many of them being orphans. He housed these children and fed them at considerable expense, but never went into debt. He never asked anyone for money, except God that He prayed.

Good on ya George. He probably came from well to do parents and had a trust fund which furnished his philanthropic activities I hear you say.
Not quite. George was quite a wayward youth. A thief, a liar and a gambler. So what turned this rogue into a faith filled evangelist and director of many orphanages? An invitation.

"Hey George, you wanna come to a prayer meeting with me?"

As a consequence George made the decision to ask God to forgive him of his sins and bless him wherever he went . The rest as they say is history. A faith born in a prayer meeting was filled with...Prayer. George prayed and fully expected an answer.

  • No food - pray - knock on door - baskets of left over baked goods from a baker.
  • No money - pray - knock on door - cha ching $$$
  • Heavy fog hindering boat journey - pray - fog lifts, captain of boat becomes a Christian.

George kept a ledger with dates the prayer was prayed, and dates the prayer was answered. The story is that on his death he had a huge list of prayers with everyone of them answered! Wow!

My 6 year old daughter came home and excitedly said,"God answered my prayer!"

What did she pray for you ask?

A wiggly tooth.

And God being God, gave her exceedingly abundantly above all she could ever hope for or dream of...3 wiggly teeth all at once!

I pulled the first, and the second followed the next morning whilst biting into an apple. The third is still hanging in there.

"Look Dad I've got a window"

"Here's my toof"

Thanks for encouraging my daughter to pray God. Has anyone else had any answered prayers lately?


  1. Time for another post buddy - "Wassup with mates who always drop in from a coffee while I'm DIYing"
